BPL's overseas players not fully paid

 As many as 13 English county cricketers played in the inaugural Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) have not been fully paid even in five weeks after the competition was over, a British daily has said.

The Telegraph said the cricketers owed a combined £500,000 in unpaid wages for appearing in the competition.

When approached by bdnews24.com, BPL governing council president Gazi Ashraf Lipu said the report is "not completely true". "It is true that all the foreign players are not fully paid yet. But I hope the payment will be completed in a week."

Cricketers appearing in the BPL in February were supposed to receive money from $25,000-$75,000 based on their contracts. The Telegraph said none has been paid their full fees with a fraction having received up to 50 percent of the contract money.

"The contract was brokered by FICA (international players union) and set out the players should get 25 per cent before the start of the tournament, 50 per cent during it and 25 per cent at the end," Angus Porter, chief executive of the Professional Cricketers' Association told The Telegraph.

"A handful have received 75 per cent, but most only 25. I don't know of anyone who has received the full payment," he added.

The reported quoted him as saying that the problem was concerned not only with the cricketers from England but also from all nations. He observed if the Bangladesh Cricket Board is seeking to build long-term relationships with players and want them to come back and play next year then the problem should be resolved immediately.

"I don't know what is going on behind the scenes but I do have a concern that this may be something more than a delay," added Porter.

The Telegraph said Porter thought the tournament's reputation was being compromised by not making timely payment to the cricketers, who were completely frustrated over the unexpected development.

He also hinted that the players may go ahead with legal action if the payment is not paid immediately.

"Events like this receive official backing from the ICC and there they should be made to conform to minimum standards in operational areas," Porter was further quoted as saying.

"We have seen correspondence from the BCB promising payments will be made but at this stage the players are just fed up and think they will not be paid anything."

When asked, Lipu said, "As far I know, some payments to British players have already been made. Letters have been issued to the franchises for paying up the outstanding wages in a week."

"There was a problem regarding bank permission in this regard. But the permission has been obtained and there is no problem anymore," he added.

PCB refuses to move to BCB`s allegations on Asia cup

Refusing to react to the allegations by the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) that pacer Aizaz Cheema had indulged in unsporting behaviour during the Asia Cup final against Bangladesh, the Pakistan Cricket Board said it has full faith in the match officials who had conducted the final.

Chasing 237 for a victory in the Asia Cup final in Mirpur on Thursday, Bangladesh fell short by two runs as they needed four from the last delivery. But the BCB later said that it would complain to the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) that Cheema had deliberately blocked hosts batsman Mahmudullah Riyad when he tried to come back for a run during the tense chase.

However, the Chief Operating Officer of the PCB, Subhan Ahmed said that the match officials of the final game were competent enough to take decisions on such incidents.

"I think under the current rules and regulations of the International Cricket Council (ICC), the match officials are competent to take a decision on such incidents and we will only follow them," said Ahmed.

The COO also expressed surprise at Bangladesh`s late reaction.

"It is surprising to us because they said nothing after the final and now they are saying they will appeal to the ACC, two days after the final," pointed out Ahmed.

The PCB official also said he was not aware if the ACC or the ICC would even entertain any appeal from the BCB regarding the incident as so many days have passed since the Asia Cup final was played.

Ahmed though insisted that even if Bangladesh appealed to the ACC or the ICC, it would not affect the relationship between the two boards.

"It is their prerogative and opinion on what they think and want to do. We don`t think even if they appeal it will lead to any dent in relations," he said.

Earlier, the BCB had said that it was planning to appeal with the ACC to award five penalty runs to the Bangladesh team and reverse the result of the Asia Cup final.

"We have repeatedly seen video recordings of the incident and are convinced Cheema tried to block Mahmudullah," Enayet Hossain Siraj, the chairman of the BCB cricket operations committee, told reporters in Dhaka on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Ahmed made it clear that the PCB`s invitation to the BCB to send its team to Pakistan next month for a three-match ODI series and the latter`s stance on the final game of the Asia Cup were two different issues.

"We are still waiting for some response from them on the tour but they have said they are seeking government clearance without which the tour will not be possible," explained Ahmed.

The BCB has delayed a decision on whether to tour Pakistan, even though its security delegation visited the country earlier this month and said it would submit a report to its government within a week.

নিয়তির পরিহাষে বরণ করে নিলাম চোখের জ্বল

এই বোবা কান্না কেউ শুনবেনা, রয়ে যাবে এই ক্ষত চিরকাল
 প্রতিটি বাঙ্গালির বুকে।

জমে থাকা নোনা জল যখন ছলকে বেরিয়ে এলো মুশফিকের চোখ বেয়ে, যখন মায়াবী বিভ্রমের আভাটুকু ছাপিয়ে সাকিব কেঁদে ফেললেন নীরবে, যখন পুরো গ্যালারি থেকে বোবা কান্নার গোঙানি শোনা যাচ্ছে; বুকে হাত রেখে বলতে পারবেন কি, তখন আপনিও লুকিয়ে চোখ মোছেননি, ক্ষরণ হয়নি ভেতরটা! অজান্তেই দুটি হাত এক হয়ে যায়নি প্রার্থনার জন্য। ১০ বলে ১৫, ৬ বলে ৯ করে শেষ বলটি পর্যন্ত স্নায়ু শক্ত করে রাখার পরও ২ রানের হারটা কাঁটার মতো গেঁথে থাকেনি! যে ক্ষণটি হতে পারত মহাকাল থেকে আলাদা করে রাখার মতো, যে রাতটি হতে পারত অমর এবং পার্থিব, সে রাতে পাকিস্তানের কাছে এশিয়ার শ্রেষ্ঠত্বের মুকুট তুলে দিয়েছিলেন মুশফিকরা চোখের জলে। হয়তো ক্রিকেটের অঙ্কের কাছে ম্যাচটি দুটি রানের জন্য হেরেছেন এগারো বাংলাদেশি। কিন্তু ভুবন মোহিত হয়েছিল এই রাতে সাকিব-তামিমদের লড়াইয়ের জেদ দেখে। যুদ্ধের ময়দানে শেষ মুহূর্ত পর্যন্ত মাটি আঁকড়ে পড়েছিলেন একদল বাঙালি। আর তাই, চ্যাম্পিয়ন হতে পারেনি বাংলাদেশ, এটা বলার কোনো উপায় নেই চ্যাম্পিয়ন হয়নি বলার আগে। হয়তো প্রথম হতে পারেনি বাংলাদেশ, হয়তো ট্রফি জিতে ইতিহাস গড়া হয়নি তামিমদের, কিন্তু এশিয়ার
দ্বিতীয় এখন বাংলাদেশই। স্বপ্ন পূরণ হয়তো হয়নি ঠিকই, নতুন একটা স্বপ্নের বুনন নিশ্চয় হয়েছে গত রাতে মিরপুরের ময়দানে। ক্রিকেটপ্রেমী বাংলাদেশিরা তাই দেবদাস হতে পারবেন না, নতুন প্রেমে উজ্জীবিত হয়েই জয়ধ্বনি দেবেন মুশফিকদের এ দলটিকে।
দিয়েও ছিল তাই। ম্যাচের পর যেখানে এসে শুধুই প্রশ্নবাণের মুখে পড়তে হয় মুশফিকদের। সেখানে এসে গত রাতে চ্যাম্পিয়নের বরণ শুভেচ্ছা পেয়েছিলেন মুশফিক। দেশি-বিদেশি সাংবাদিকরা উঠে দাঁড়িয়ে হাততালি দিয়ে বদলে যাওয়া বাংলাদেশকেই চ্যাম্পিয়নের পুরস্কার দিয়েছেন। 'এত কাছে এসে হেরে যাব ভাবতে পারিনি। পুরো দেশ আমাদের দিকে তাকিয়ে ছিল। সবাই প্রার্থনা করেছিল, কিন্তু পারলাম না। সেটা মনে পড়তেই নিজেকে ঠিক রাখতে পারিনি। হয়ত সে কারণেই কেঁদে ফেলেছি। তবে এ হারার পর আমরা ড্রেসিং রুমে শপথ নিয়েছি এখান থেকেই শুরু হলো আমাদের নতুন যাত্রা। আর পিছিয়ে থাকব না আমরা।' চোখ দুটো তখনও লাল ছিল মুশফিকের। মুশফিকদের এ অবস্থা দেখে পাকিস্তানি ক্রিকেটাররাও কিছুটা আবেগী হয়ে যান। কাঁদতে থাকা আনামুল হক বিজয়কে জাপ্টে ধরে সান্ত্বনা দিতে থাকেন আজমল। আফ্রিদি এসে বুকে জড়িয়ে নেন নাসির হোসেনকে। হাফিজ এসে মিডিয়ার সামনে বলে দেন ক্রিকেটের নতুন এক শক্তির জন্ম হলো যার নাম বাংলাদেশ। 'সারা বিশ্ব ফাইনালের মতো একটা ফাইনাল দেখেছে। শেষ ওভারগুলো আমাদের বোলাররা নার্ভ শক্ত রেখে ম্যাচ জিতিয়েছে। বাংলাদেশও দেখিয়ে দিয়েছে তারা প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা করতে জানে।'
নিজেরা একটু ধাতস্ত হয়ে প্রিয় ক্রিকেটাদের সান্ত্বনা দিয়েছিল মিরপুরের গ্যালারিও।
চোখ মুছে যখন সাকিব সিরিজ সেরার পুরস্কার নিতে এসেছিলেন, তখন মনভাঙা গ্যালারিও সোজা হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে 'সাকিব ... সাকিব...' ধ্বনি তুলেছিল। শেষ ওভারে যখন মাহমুদুল্লাহ আর আবদুর রাজ্জাক আইজাজ চিমার চোখের দিকে তাকিয়ে হাত শক্ত করে ব্যাট ধরেছিলেন, তখন মাঠে উপস্থিত রাষ্ট্রপতি মোহাম্মদ জিল্লুর রহমানের পাশে বসে থাকা প্রধানমন্ত্রীর হাতও টেনশনে গালে ভর দিয়েছিল। বিরোধীদলীয় নেতা খালেদা জিয়াও ছিলেন দ্বিতীয় ইনিংসের সময়। গোটা দেশই সঙ্গে ছিল মুশফিকদের। পেন্ডুলামের মতো দুলতে থাকা ম্যাচটিকে দু'হাতের তালু দিয়ে ষোলো কোটি বাংলাদেশিই বাঁচিয়ে রেখেছিল। যখন সাকিব আউট হয়ে গেলেন তখনও ৩৮ বলে ৫৮ রানের দরকার ছিল। ভরসা ছিল মুশফিকে। আজমলকে একটা বাউন্ডারি মেরে যখন মুশফিকও প্যাভিলিয়নে ফিরলেন, তখনও মনটা শক্ত ছিল মিরপুরের গ্যালারির। আশা ছিল মাহমুদুল্লাহকে নিয়ে। উমর গুলের এক ওভারে ১৪ রান নিয়ে মাশরাফি আশাটা জীবন্ত করে তুলেছিলেন। মিরপুরের আকাশ কাঁপিয়ে গোটা বাংলাদেশই তখন প্রকম্পিত হয়েছিল, কিন্তু ৯ বলে ১৮ রান করা মাশরাফি আউট হয়ে যেতেই বোবা হয়ে যায় সবকিছু। ১৪ বলে ১৯ রানটা তখনও খুব সম্ভব মনে হয়েছিল। মিসবাহ ,আফ্রিদি, আজমল আর গুল_ সবার মুখ আতঙ্কে লাল হয়ে গিয়েছিল। কিন্তু মাহমুদুল্লাহ রিয়াদ ১৬ বলে ১৪ রানের বেশি করতে পারেননি। নিজে স্ট্রাইক নিতে পারেননি। তারপরও শেষ ওভারে যখন চিমার একটি নো বল থেকে তিন রান চলে আসে, তখন মনে হয়েছিল সৌভাগ্যের রাত অপেক্ষা করছে বাংলাদেশিদের জন্য। শেষ বিকেলে আটকে থাকা একটি কাঁটা কিছুতেই আর বের করা যায়নি বাঘের গলা থেকে। শেষ ওভারে শাহাদাত হোসেন রাজিবের দেওয়া ১৯ রানটাই বাধা হয়ে দাঁড়াল ঐতিহাসিক একটি ঘটনার সাক্ষী হতে।
অথচ বাঘের মতোই হুঙ্কার দিয়ে দিনটি শুরু করেছিলেন মুশফিকরা। উইকেটে ২৩৬ রানের মধ্যেই বেঁধে ফেলেছিলেন পাকিস্তানিদের ইনিংস। এই রান তাড়া করতে নেমে অতি সতর্ক নাজিমউদ্দিন আদতে দলকে বিপদেই ফেলে দেন। হাফিজ থেকে শুরু করে উমর গুল, সাঈদ আজমল কিংবা আইজাজ চিমা_ কারও সামনেই পছন্দের ফ্লিক শট খেলতে পারছিলেন না নাজিমউদ্দিন। একবার এলবিডবি্লউর জোরালো আবেদন, আর একবার ক্যাচ থেকে লাইফ লাইন পেয়ে নাজিম যখন আউট হলেন, তখন তার নামের পাশে ১৬ রান, ৫২ বলের খরচে। রান টানের সংসারে নাজিমউদ্দিনের এই অতি সতর্কতা তামিমের ভেতরের জমে থাকা আগুন বাড়িয়ে দিয়েছিল। উমর গুলকে পয়েন্ট আর কভারের মধ্য দিয়ে বাউন্ডারি ছাড়া করে কব্জির জট খুলেছিলেন। এরপর একের পর এক পয়েন্ট আর এক্সট্রা কাভারের ওপর দিয়ে বাজির মতো চার ছোটাতে থাকেন। কিন্তু তাকে বিদায় নিতে হয় ৬৮ বলে ৬০ রানের একটি ক্লান্ত শট খেলে। তামিম ছাড়াও সাকিবের ৬৮ রানের ইনিংসটিতে জয়ের গন্ধ মাখা ছিল। কিন্তু আগের ম্যাচগুলোর মতো এদিনও সাকিব ফিনিশ করতে পারেননি। যিনি করতে পারতেন সে নাসির হোসেনকে এদিন যথেষ্ট ক্লান্ত মনে হয়েছে। শুরুতে পাকিস্তানি ফিল্ডাররা নাসিরের কিছু ভালো শট আটকে দিয়ে তাকে ঘাবড়ে দেন। এরপর সিঙ্গেলসও যেন বের করতে পারছিলেন না তিনি। ৬৩ বলে ২৮ রান করে নাসির যখন আউট হন, তখন দল হাসপাতালে ভর্তি হওয়ার মতো অবস্থায় চলে গেছে। যে কি-না রক্ষা করতে পারতেন সেই মাহমুদুল্লাহ রিয়াদ সেটা পারেননি। লোয়ার অর্ডারদের স্ট্রাইক কম রেখে নিজে বেশি নিতে পারেননি। এদিন ভাগ্যের সঙ্গে পাকিস্তানিদের কূটকৌশলও হারিয়ে দিয়েছিল বাংলাদেশকে। শেষ ওভারে আইজাজ চিমা শরীর দিয়ে মাহমুদুল্লাহকে ঠেকিয়ে রেখেছিলেন দুই রান নিতে।
তবে অন্যের দোষ দিয়ে যন্ত্রণাটা কমানো যেতে পারে, অভিমানটা কিন্তু থেকে গেল নিজেদের ছেলে শাহাদাত হোসেন রাজিবের ওপরই। এমন একটা শোকের সমাপ্তির জন্য অনেকেই খলনায়ক বানিয়েছেন তাকে। অথচ দিনের শুরুটা হয়েছিল ভাগ্যের হাত ধরেই।
দুুপুরে যখন টস জিতে হাসি দিল, তখন রমিজ রাজাও জানতেন কী চাইবেন বাংলাদেশ অধিনায়ক। আগের তিনটি ম্যাচে প্রথমে বোলিং করে প্রতিপক্ষকে যে ভয় ধরিয়েছিল বাংলাদেশ। সেটা জেনেই এদিনও জাতীয় সঙ্গীতের সুরে বুকে হাত রেখে নতুন বলটা তুলে দিয়েছিলেন মাশরাফির হাতে। প্রথম ওভারেই দুটি এলবিডবি্লউর আবেদনে কেঁপে উঠেছিল গ্যালারি। তাতে ইংলিশ আম্পায়ার গোল্ডের আঙুল নড়েনি। নাজমুলের একটি নিশ্চিত আবেদনও বাতিল হয়ে যায় আম্পায়ারের অদূরদর্শিতার কারণে। রিপ্লেতে পরিষ্কার ধরা পড়ে ৫ রানে থাকা মোহাম্মদ হাফিজের পা স্টাম্প ঢেকে রেখেছিল। আম্পায়ারের ন্যায়বিচারের জন্য তখন অপেক্ষায় না থেকে মাশরাফি নাসির জামশেদকে কাভারে ক্যাচ দিতে বাধ্য করেছিলেন। পরের ওভারে নাজমুলও পাল্লা দিয়ে উইকেট শিকার করেছিলেন এবং সেটা যেনতেন উইকেট নয়, পাকিস্তানের ব্যাটিং স্তম্ভ ইউনিস খানকেই একটি ইনসুইঙ্গার দিয়ে এলবিডবি্লউ করেছিলেন নাজমুল। ১৯ রানে ২ উইকেট পড়ে যাওয়ায় পাকিস্তানিদের 'প্ল্যান ওয়ান' ভেস্তে যায়। যেখানে তারা প্রথম পাওয়ার প্লের ১০ ওভারে মাত্র ৪৩ রান তুলতে পারে। যার মধ্যে আবার একটা লাইফ লাইনও পেয়ে যান হাফিজ। মাশরাফির বলে পয়েন্টে ক্যাচ তুলেও জহুরুলের হাত ফসকে বেরিয়ে যান হাফিজ। মাশরাফি আর নাজমুল তাদের প্রথম স্পেল শেষ করার পর মুশফিক থলে থেকে রাজ্জাক আর শাহাদাত হোসেন রাজিবকে বের করে আনেন। রাজ্জাকের আর্মারগুলোই তখন বেশি বেগ দিয়েছিল পাকিস্তানিদের। ১০ থেকে ২২ ওভার পর্যন্ত কোনো বলই বাউন্ডারি পাঠাতে পারেননি কেউ। তবে সতর্কতার সঙ্গে সিঙ্গেল বের করে আনার ব্যাপারে যথেষ্ট মনোযোগী ছিলেন তারা। আর সেটা করতে গিয়েই পাকিস্তানি অধিনায়ক মিসবাহ-উল হককে রান আউট হতে হয় ১৩ রানে। পয়েন্ট থেকে পাখির মতো ছোঁ মেরে বলটা ধরেই সরাসরি থ্রো করে উইকেট ভেঙে দেন নাসির। মিসবাহর বিদায়ের পর ৮৭ বলে ৪০ রানে থাকা হাফিজকে মিড অনে ক্যাচ দিতে বাধ্য করেন রাজ্জাক। প্রথম স্পেলে ৭ ওভারে তিন মেডেনসহ ১১ রান দিয়ে রাজ্জাক বোলিংয়ে বিশ্রামে যান।
অন্যদিকে শাহাদাতের হাফভলি বলগুলোকে তখন মজা করে গিলছিলেন হাম্মাদ আজম। নো বলের বোনাস ফ্রি হিট থেকেও ছক্কা হাঁকিয়ে বসেন হাম্মাদ। উমর আকমলও তার সঙ্গে ছক্কা হাঁকানোর ছন্দে মাতেন। সাকিবকে ডিপ মিড উইকেট দিয়েও বাইরে পাঠিয়ে দেন আকমল। দু'জনের এই জুটি অবশ্য ভেঙেছিলেন সাকিব। ৩০ রানে থাকা হাম্মাদ সুইপ করতে গেলে সাকিবের হাতেই ক্যাচ দিয়ে বসেন। সাত বল পর উমর আকমলও প্যাভিলিয়েনের পথ ধরেন। মাহমুদুল্লার বল লেগ স্কয়ারে ঠেলতে গিয়ে মুশফিকের গ্গ্নাভসে আটকা পড়েন আকমল। ১৩৩ রানে ৬ উইকেট পড়ে যাওয়ার পর কাঁপতে থাকা পাকিস্তানিদের মাঠের ১১ বাংলাদেশির সঙ্গে ছাবি্বশ হাজারের গ্যালারি চেপে ধরেছিলেন।
কিন্তু পেশাদারিত্বের চরমে পেঁৗছানো শহিদ আফ্রিদি দলকে সেখান থেকে বের করে নিয়ে এসেছিলেন সাকিব আর রাজ্জাককে পরপর চারটি বাউন্ডারি হাঁকিয়ে। মাশরাফিকেও লং অফ দিয়ে ছক্কা ছাড়া করেছিলেন। অসাধারণ এই আফ্রিদিকে সাকিব থামিয়েছিলেন তার সাধারণ একটি ফুলটস বল দিয়ে। ২২ রানে ৩২ রান করা আফ্রিদি লং অফে নাসিরের হাতে ক্যাচ দিয়ে জায়ান্ট স্ক্রিনের দিকে রিপ্লে দেখার জন্য ঘুরে তাকিয়ে হাঁটা ধরেন। ৪২ ওভারে ৭ উইকেট খোয়ানো পাকিস্তানের রান তখনও দুশ' হয়নি। এরই মধ্যে দুর্ঘটনা একটা ঘটে যায়। দলের অন্যতম প্রধান অস্ত্র নাজমুল পুরো রানআপ নিয়ে শেষ মুহূর্তে স্লোয়ার করতে গিয়ে গোড়ালি মচকে মাটিতে পড়ে যান। এরপর শেষ দুটি ওভারের দায়িত্ব দেওয়া হয়েছিল শাহাদাত হোসেন রাজিবের কাছে। টেলিভিশনে খেলা দেখা সব দর্শকই জানেন, ইনিংসের শেষ ওভারে কতটা বেহিসেবি পাড়ার বোলারদের মতো বোলিং করেছেন রাজিব। ফুলটস, হাফ ভলি, নো বল, রান আউট মিস_ কী করেননি তিনি ওই ওভারে। যার খেসারত দিতে হয় দলকে ১৯ রান দিয়ে।
বিরক্ত মুশফিক তখনই বলটি মাটিতে আছড়ে মেরে রাজিবের দিক থেকে চোখ সরিয়ে নিয়েছিলেন। মাশরাফি এসে পরে রাজিবকে ডেকেই কাঁধে কাঁধ মিলিয়ে সবাইকে জানিয়েছিলেন_ 'এক ওভারেই ম্যাচ শেষ হয়ে যায় না। আমরা পারব।
শেষ ওভারের যন্ত্রণাটা শেষ পর্যন্ত যন্ত্রণাই থেকে যায়। ৮ উইকেটে ২৩৪ রানে থেমে গিয়ে ভেঙে যায় বাংলাদেশের স্বপি্নল একটি রাত। এরপর মিরপুরের লেজার শো হলেও তাতে মায়া ছড়ায়নি, বাজির ফোয়ারেতেও রোশনাই ফোটেনি। যে মাঠ তীর্থস্থান হতে পারত মুশফিকদের জয়ে, মিরপুরের সেই মাঠকেই রাতে কমিউনিটি সেন্টার মনে হয়েছে। যেখান থেকে কাপ জিতে বাজি ফুটিয়ে দেশে চলে যাবে আফ্রিদিরা।

Pakistan rate Bangladesh to win Asia Cup-2012

asia cup-2012 winner Pakistan
Bangladesh's hopes of winning their maiden trophy went up in smoke as Pakistan beat them by two runs in a last-ball nail-biter to win the Asia Cup at the Shere Bangla National Stadium here on Thursday.
Despite half centuries by Tamim Iqbal (60) and Shakib Al Hasan (68), Bangladesh could not overhaul the 237-run target set by Pakistan. Cameos by Mashrafe Mortaza (18) and Mahmudullah (17 not out) at the end were not enough to take the home side over the finish line.
AP Photo
Aizaz Cheema kept his cool in the final over, giving away six runs when the hosts needed nine for victory. The paceman went for 46 in his 7 overs, but picked up three crucial wickets for his side. Saeed Ajmal and Umar Gul also took two wickets each.
Earlier, a disciplined Bangladesh restricted Pakistan to a below-par 236 for 9. Abdur Razzak, Shakib and Mortaza shared two wickets each for the home side.
For Pakistan, wicketkeeper batsman Sarfraz Ahmed top-scored with an unbeaten 46. Opener Mohammad Hafeez, too, contributed with 40, but it was more a grind as he took 87 balls to get those runs. Shahid Afridi also played a 32-run cameo.
Pakistan started off on the wrong foot, losing the wickets of Nasir Jamshed (9) and Younis Khan (1) inside 6 overs. Mohammad Hafeez and Misbah-ul-Haq (13) tried to rescue the sinking ship with a 36-run partnership for the third wicket. But the run out of Misbah gave Bangladesh another opening. Hafeez was playing patiently till he attempted to clear Razzak over mid-on, getting caught by Nazmul Hossain.
Youngsters Umar Akmal (30) and Hammad Azam (30) strung a 59-run stand but with their departure, in quick succession, Pakistan once again found themselves under the pump. Sarfraz, who was drafted into the side in place of paceman Wahab Riaz, took most of the strike in the latter overs as he stretched Pakistan score well past 200.
A sloppy final over by Shahadat Hossain produced 19 runs and gave Pakistan a decent total to defend.

Asia cup2012 Bangladesh lose terminal but win hearts

The wait was almost over, but for two runs in the end. Bangladesh - who dreamt of filling their trophy cabinet with their first silverware in international cricket - will feel the hollow. It will take days, perhaps months, for their cricketers to come out of this Asia Cup loss. But the Bangladesh tigers haven't let their nation down and went down fighting until the last ball was bowled.
First they beat Sri Lanka and then killed another giant in the form of World Champions India, and even in the two games they went down to Pakistan, including the final, they came agonisingly close. So coming out as second best in a tournament that included the World Cup winners, World Cup finalists and World Cup semi-finalists is no mean feat.
AP Photo
And Bangladesh skipper Mushfiqur Rahim echoed those sentiments, while ruing the loss of crucial wickets in the final.
"Before the tournament, we had great preparation. The boys stuck to the plans. We played good in the tournament, I thought. But the wickets of Shakib and Tamim were the turning point tonight," the Bangladesh skipper said after losing the final in a last-ball cliffhanger.
"The wicket is a bit slowish; it's not easy to score runs. Tamim and Shakib played well. We gave away some runs in the last over [of Pakistan innings]; that was crucial.
"It's been a great tournament for Shakib, Tamim, Mashrafe, Razzak and Nasir. We fought in all the games and we achieved a lot in this tournament," Rahim added.
While Tamim Iqbal, who was originally not included in the squad, hit four consecutive half-centuries, Shakib was Rahim's go-to man throughout the tournament, both while batting and bowling. And quite deservingly, the former World No. 1 allrounder was named the Man of the Series.
"If we look at the overall tournament, we were terrific," Shakib said after the final, adding, "The teamwork has been terrific. The way the crowd supported us was fantastic too. Hopefully we'll kick on from here," Shakib said.
The last sentence there by Shakib is actually key to how Bangladesh go from this magnificent performance.
"If I had scored two more runs, we would have won the game. We came so close to win the Asia Cup. We'll take the positives from this series and move on from there," he said.
Meanwhile, the moment was no way a small feat for Pakistan, who clinched their second Asia Cup title after a hiatus of 12 years. It was not only a winning start for their new coach Dav Whatmore but also a moment to cherish for a relatively young team that is trying to bury the spot-fixing ghost.
"Wonderful victory, well fought by all guys. The youngsters came in and contributed well. Hammad Azam played well, Sarfraz's innings was a vital one for us. It was a good team effort," skipper Misbah-ul-Haq said.
"This wicket was a little different from the other ones; it was slow. We were hoping that around 225-230 would be a fighting score. The spinners bowled very well. The pacers did well in the end," an ecstatic Misbah said.
Bangladesh's performance won many hearts, including in their rival camp.
"Bangladesh played wonderfully well. This is really a new Bangladesh team and they are really the winners," Misbah lauded.
Shahid Afridi, too, was all praise for his neighbours. "Bangladesh really played well; they played awesome cricket. They always surprise and give a tough time to the top teams. The credit goes to guys like Shakib and Nasir; they really played some good cricket.
After this superb show, all Bangladesh will want is consistency coming into their game, which will stamp their entry into the league of big men.

NZ vs SA Kallis out with inflexible neck; New Zealand earth

New Zealand captain Ross Taylor won the toss and chose to field after a wet outfield delayed play by three-and-a-half hours in Wellington. A green-tinged Basin Reserve surface will encourage New Zealand despite them naming only three fast bowlers, as they need to win the final Test of the home summer to salvage a series draw.
The hosts opted to bolster their batting after failing to breach 200 in either innings in Hamilton, with seam bowler Brent Arnel making way for Dean Brownlie, who returns from injury.
Daniel Flynn's prolific first-class season has earned him a Test recall after two years out of the side and although he bats in the middle order for his province, he is likely to step into the opener's position left vacant by the struggling Rob Nicol.
South Africa, meanwhile, have named an all-pace attack with Imran Tahir making way for Marchant de Lange. The tactic is an interesting one, given the conditions at the Basin Reserve, where a spinner is traditionally named to bowl into the howling northerly wind. But with Jacques Kallis also unavailable with a stiff neck, the visitors have strengthened their fast-bowling stocks for the seam-friendly pitch. JP Duminy slots into the middle order in Kallis' place.

New Zealand:1. Martin Guptill, 2. Daniel Flynn, 3. Brendon McCullum, 4. Ross Taylor (capt), 5. Kane Williamson, 6. Dean Brownlie, 7. Daniel Vettori, 8. Kruger van Wyk (wk), 9. Doug Bracewell, 10. Mark Gillespie, 11. Chris Martin

South Africa: 1. Graeme Smith (capt), 2. Alviro Petersen, 3. Hashim Amla, 4.AB de Villiers, 5. JP Duminy, 6. Jacques Rudolph, 7. Mark Boucher (wk), 8. Vernon Philander, 9. Dale Steyn, 10. Morne Morkel, 11. Marchant de Lange.

Asia Cup-2012 It was sorrowfull night for Banglades

Shakib & Musfiq are crying
Pakistan ended brave Bangladesh’s dream run to clinch the Asia Cup title for the second time as they held their nerve in nail-biting moment to edge past the hosts by just two runs in a dramatic final at Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium on Thursday. Like the league match, they gave a mighty scare to Pakistan but it was again so near, yet so far case that left the adoring full house crowd and the players tearing. It came as a huge blow for the nation which was preparing to celebrate the biggest moment of cricket history as Bangladesh had every chance to win the match till the final ball.
Pakistan also won their maiden Asia Cup in Dhaka in 2000, while India became champions for five times and Sri Lanka for four times.
As the bowlers laid a solid platform with holding back Pakistan to 236 for nine, Bangladesh sniffed to create an epic history. Once again Tamim Iqbal was solid in upfront while Shakib’s controlled aggression kept the match in Bangladesh’s grip but the dismissal of the Shakib and Mushfiqur Rahim’s in a quick succession came as huge blow. Pakistani spinners did a splendid job in the middle while pacer won the battle of nerves in the last moment to restrict Bangladesh to 234 for eight.
Bangladesh needed nine runs to win in the last over, but Aizaz Cheema, who was erratic bloomed with full glory in the crucial last over giving away just six runs to leave the whole stadium in grave silence. Tears were rolling down the cheeks of the fans and so as the players but yet it was a huge achievement for the country’s cricket which has been struggling to have an identity in world cricket. The 11th edition of Asia Cup earned world respect and evolved the Bangladesh to a formidable side.
President Zillur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Leader of the Opposition Begum Khaleda Zia and former president H M Ershad were present to watch the summit clash as the history beckoned Bangladesh.
Shakib Al Hasan was adjudged man of the tournament for his influential role to take Bangladesh in final and superb all-round performance. He scored 237 runs and hauled six wickets. Shahid Afridi, who blasted 22 ball-32 and also took one wicket with a measly bowling effort, was adjudged man of the match.
Tamim Iqbal, who was the highest scorer for Bangladesh with accumulating 253 runs, again put up top class batting braving his viral fever. His 60-run knock kept Bangladesh in hunt while Shakib blasted 68 to take Bangladesh close. However the lower order failed to give the finishing touch.
Earlier, with the opportunity alluring them to create another history, the rejuvenated bowlers refused to knuckle down, bowled with heart to restrict Pakistan to a manageable total. Sarfraz Ahmed’s unbeaten 46 runs proved crucial at the end so as the Shahadat Hossain last over which leaked 19 runs including two no balls and a wide.
Immediately after the prize giving ceremony a ten-minute colourful fireworks enthralled the crowd.
Pakistan: 236 for 9 in 50 overs
Bangladesh innings:
Tamim c Younus b Gul 60
M Nazimuddin c Younus b Afridi 16
Jahurul c Younus b Ajmal 0
Nasir c Misbah b Gul 28
Shakib b Cheema 68
Mushfiqur c Jamshed b Cheema 10
M Mahmudullah not out 17
M Mortaza c Jamshed b Ajmal 18
A Razzak b Cheema 6
Shahadat not out 0
Extras (lb5, nb2, w4) 11
Total (for eight; 50 overs) 234
Fall of wickets: 1-68, 2-68, 3-81, 4-170, 5-179, 6-190, 7-218, 8-233.

BOWLING    O    M    R    W
M Hafeez        10    0    30    0
U Gul                10    2    65    2
S Ajmal             10    2    40    2
S Afridi             10    1    28    1
A Cheema           7    0    46    3
H Azam              3    0    20    0
Result: Pakistan win by two runs
Man of the match: Shahid Afridi (PAK)
Man of the tournament: Shakib Al Hasan (BAN)
musfiq is crying

Asia cup-2012 Bangladesh beat by Pakistan

When their gut-wrenching disappointment dies down, Bangladesh will remember that they were just one stroke away from the Asia Cup title. And see it as clinching evidence of their progress. When their sense of relief passes, Pakistan will remember that they were tested to the hilt, but came through somehow. And see it as confirmation of their renowned ability to win the big moments.
But for the moment, Bangladesh will be gutted; gutted at what could have been, gutted that it wasn't to be. They had lost their first tournament final by two wickets to Sri Lanka in 2009. The margin was two runs today.
What wouldn't Shahadat Hossain give to take back the 50th over of Pakistan's innings bowled by him which went for 19? What wouldn't Nazimuddin and Nasir Hossain give to take back their innings of 16 off 52 balls and 28 off 63 in the chase?
In a game that came down to four runs needed off the last ball, several passages of play could be said to have been decisive. Sarfraz Ahmed's 46 off 52, which turned 199 for 8 into 236 for 9. Shahid Afridi's 32 off 22 and 1 for 28 in ten overs with the ball. Shakib Al Hasan's dismissal with Bangladesh needing 58 off 39.
Bangladesh had themselves to blame for allowing a target that had seemed gettable at the start to turn into a daunting one. It was Nazimuddin's clueless crawl of an innings that invited pressure despite Tamim Iqbal's fourth consecutive half-century. Tamim's departure to Younis Khan's third sharp catch further increased the pressure on the hosts in their first chase in a tournament final.
While the plan could have been for Nazimuddin to be the anchor and Tamim to be the aggressor, the former became completely subdued after being beaten four times in five deliveries by Umar Gul in the second over, leaving run-making duties completely to his partner.
Tamim responded by hitting Gul out of the attack with four fours in nine deliveries. All shots bore the mark of a man in top form, with the highlight being a punch through point played with his feet off the ground. Nazimuddin continued to dig a deeper hole for himself, treating Mohammad Hafeez with utmost respect and allowing him to get through five overs for only 10 runs.
Realisation belatedly dawned on him, but by then, he had got into such a rut that he was mistiming almost everything. Bangladesh were not able to get anywhere close to dominating, which they should have given the way Tamim was batting. In the same Shahid Afridi over in which Tamim brought up his fourth half-century of the tournament, off 48 balls, Younis finally ended Nazimuddin's misery with a running catch at long-off. By then, Nazimuddin had used up 52 balls for his 16.

Jahurul Islam did not last long against Ajmal's doosra and gave Younis his second catch, at slip. With Nasir also struggling to get going, Tamim decided to take on Gul but only found extra cover with a mis-hit pull, Younis diving forward to take another excellent catch.
Carrying his nation's hopes once again, Shakib walked in at 81 for 3 and pulled his first delivery for four. Afridi and Gul responded with consecutive maiden overs. Shakib set about targetting Hammad Azam and Cheema as Bangladesh tried to keep the rate from galloping out of control.
It rose above eight. Shakib swung Cheema over midwicket for six. Despite Shakib's hitting, Nasir's struggle had begun to hurt Bangladesh. It was similar to the way the innings had cantered and stalled alternatively when Tamim and Nazimuddin were batting.
Nasir finally holed out off Gul in the 43rd over. Shakib coolly scooped the last ball of that over past short fine leg. But an attempt to repeat the stroke in the next over off Cheema resulted in his leg stump being rattled.
With 47 needed off five overs, Mushfiqur Rahim swung Cheema straight to deep midwicket. This Bangladesh side does not easily roll over though. Mahmudullah and Mashrafe Mortaza smashed Gul for three fours in four balls in the 47th over. It came down to 19 needed off 15. Mortaza then paddled Ajmal into the hands of short fine leg.
With Mahmudullah still around and four needed off two, Abdur Razzak turned Cheema onto his stumps, and, in an ironic end, Shahadat, could not get the last ball away for more than a leg-bye.
As Misbah-ul-Haq embraced Cheema, there were tears in the Bangladesh dressing room. They had been favourites to crack on their biggest day as a cricketing nation. A fourth consistent performance on the trot was expected to be beyond them. But they gave an extremely creditable account of themselves, especially with the ball.
Pakistan are masters of the big moment, though, and somehow find a player who performs. Wicketkeeper Sarfraz, who had a highest ODI score of 24 and a strike-rate of 62.35 before this game, weighed in with a 52-ball 46.
Bangladesh's bowling was tight and their fielding was energetic, as it had been throughout the tournament. Pakistan were not allowed to get away, except in the last over. Bangladesh's leading ODI wicket-taker Abdur Razzak rose to the occasion, with figures of 10-3-26-2. But Shahadat proved expensive once again in a horror last over which contained two no-balls and went for 19.
Bangladesh's discipline till then had kept Pakistan under relentless pressure. And that pressure had brought wickets. Their openers, Hafeez and Nasir Jamshed - who had a century and a double-century stand earlier in the tournament - failed to clear the infield in their attempts to hit out. Younis and Umar Akmal got rough decisions, Misbah's hesitation ran him out, and Azam and Afridi threw it away.
Afridi was his normal hit-or-depart self, and another promising innings was soon terminated, after a few breathtaking strokes, with a mis-hit to long-off. There was no knowing at that stage that it would turn out to be one of the most important knocks of the game.
Gul could not repeat his salvage act from the tournament opener against Bangladesh, and Sarfraz was the unlikely candidate for a mini-recovery. He ensured Pakistan batted the full 50 overs and Bangladesh finally fell apart in the last one. Shahadat served up waist-high full tosses, and short and wide deliveries to be carted for 19, and left Pakistan's strength, their bowling, with a decent score to defend.
A chase in a final was something Bangladesh had never encountered before. It did inhibit the usual freedom of a couple of their batsmen, and that was the difference in the end.

Asia cup-2012 Sri Lanka gather almost 232

An inspired performance in the field put Bangladesh in a good position to extend Sri Lanka's miserable win in the tournament and halt India's chances of making the final. Shafiul Islam's injury turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Bangladesh as his replacement, Nazmul Hossain, rattled Sri Lanka's top order with three wickets and gave them the early caffeine boost, before the spinners thwarted any significant resistance from Sri Lanka's middle order to keep them to a middling 231. However, the threat facing Bangladesh would be the dark clouds, which looked ominous as it rained wickets towards the end.
Chamara Kapugedera and Lahiru Thirimanne added 88 for the third wicket, but one of them needed to bat through the innings to set a competitive target. Upul Tharanga made a breezy fifty, but not for the first time since his demotion has he had to repair the damage done to the top order, again raising questions about the structure of the batting line-up.
Bangladesh came out with a sense of purpose, fielding with intent after winning the toss. They were aided by a surface which, though not the same used for the India-Pakistan game, appeared slower and suited their crop of bowlers. The seamers bowled several slower deliveries to tighten the noose on the run-rate, which
Nazmul's start was inauspicious - he was thrashed past backward point by Tillakaratne Dilshan off the his first ball, but he struck back quickly by removing his partner. Mahela Jayawardene missed a straight one and had his off stump knocked back.
Sri Lanka persisted with Kumar Sangakkara, who has been inconsistent of late, at No.3. He wasn't allowed to dominate at the start, as the alert infield did its best to limit the quick singles. He survived two close run-out chances, and in an attempt to break free drove Nazmul on the up to Nazimuddin at extra cover. Dilshan was found out by the slowness of the pitch when he tried to cut Nazmul and ended up dragging it to the base of the middle stump.
The loss of wickets dented the run-rate, as Sri Lanka could only manage 32 off the first ten overs. After a brief dry spell, Thirimanne eased a boundary down the ground off Shahadat Hossain, before sweeping and cutting the left-arm spinners behind the wicket. Kapugedera, under pressure to keep his place, made good use of his promotion, using his feet to the spinners. A stroke of luck, though, gave Bangladesh the breakthrough when Thirimanne nudged Abdur Razzak off his pads and was stumped after the ball deflected off Mushfiqur Rahim's pads.
Tharanga's arrival perked up the scoring, as he punished a wayward Shahadat for three quick boundaries. The batting Powerplay yielded 28 runs with two boundaries. Kapugedera, under pressure to keep his place, managed a face-saving half-century, but his innings was cut short by some sharp reflexes by Shakib Al Hasan at extra cover. Shakib struck with the ball soon after, getting Farveez Maharoof to edge to the keeper and trapping Nuwan Kulasekara lbw.
Tharanga stepped down the track to Shakib to launch the only six of the innings, in the 45th over. Sachitra Senanayake gave Sri Lanka a late surge to lift them to a target which could still test the hosts, despite their renewed confidence after chasing 290 against India. The drizzle picked up and the covers came on during the innings break. If play resumes, Sri Lanka would hope the rain spices up the pitch. There is, however, the provision of a reserve day if rain has its say this evening.

Bangladesh call-up uncapped Abul for injured Shafiul

 Bangladesh have called up uncapped left-arm pacer Abul Hossain to replace the injured Shafiul Islam in their Asia Cup squad, a team official said on Sunday.

Shafiul has been ruled out of the tournament after injuring his shoulder fielding in their match against India on Friday.

"Shafiul has damaged some soft tissues and was given 10 days of rest," said chief selector Akram Khan.

"Raju (Abul Hossain) has already joined the squad and will be available for selection in our next game against Sri Lanka," Akram added.

Bangladesh, who beat India by five wickets, face Sri Lanka on Tuesday when a win against the islanders could take them to the final of the tournament for the first time.

Asia cup-2012 Pakistan 329

Younis Khan
It was billed as a contest between India's batsmen and Pakistan's bowlers. Mohammad Hafeez and Nasir Jamshed ensured the pressure would be squarely on the former going into the chase, with a 224-run opening partnership - Pakistan's second-highest in ODIs. After having failed to defend 289 against Bangladesh, India were once again let down by the inability of their bowlers to either strike or contain.
India had the opportunity to make first use of the Mirpur pitch, which has been harsher for bowlers in the evening, but Hafeez and Jamshed stroked boundaries at will, against a listless unit, on their way to centuries. Younis Khan, usually not one to worry attacks at the death, smashed 52 off 34 deliveries to lift Pakistan to their second-highest total against India.
India's lack of penetration was evident when MS Dhoni threw the ball to Sachin Tendulkar in the 24th over, after having already tried seven bowlers. Five of them had already gone at more than run-a-ball by then, and none, barring Ashok Dinda, had come close to troubling the Pakistan openers.
To make it worse for India, Tendulkar had to leave the field in the 26th over after hurting his finger while trying to take a return-catch off Jamshed. The catch was dropped, and it was unclear whether Tendulkar would be able to bat in the chase.
Pakistan had taken control long before that, though, with Hafeez and Jamshed, a burly left-hander in the Graeme Smith mould, playing with assurance and eschewing any desperation. They were away from the moment Praveen Kumar sprayed his fourth delivery wide outside off to Hafeez, who cashed in with a cut for four past point.
Jamshed, who clearly favours the on side, hit Praveen out of the attack, taking him for three fours in four deliveries with well-balanced clips. Dhoni turned to Dinda, whose extra pace and tighter lines limited the pace of scoring. But Irfan Pathan now leaked runs from the other end.
Dhoni turned to his part-time offspin trio of Rohit Sharma, Suresh Raina and Yusuf Pathan. Pakistan easily milked them for singles. There was a leg-before shout by Rohit against Jamshed, though, which was turned down, with replays showing the ball would have hit leg stump.
Dhoni continued to try all the options he had. R Ashwin proved to be too inconsistent with his lines and lengths to make any impression as the side's lead spinner. Despite there being some turn and bounce on offer, Ashwin was unable to utilise them to his advantage. His first over went for 11; Dhoni brought back Irfan, who conceded 13, with Hafeez exploiting width on both sides of the wicket to hit consecutive fours.
In between those two overs from Ashwin and Irfan, Dinda came close to dismissing both batsmen, but ended up going for 12 in the 18th over. Hafeez could have played on but instead got four to fine leg; Jamshed could have mistimed a pull for a catch but instead the duo got to their fifties in the over.
The previous best opening stand for Pakistan against India was 144 between Aamer Sohail and Saeed Anwar in 1996; Hafeez and Jamshed had already rustled up 150 at the halfway mark. Both soon got to their centuries, Jamshed's being his maiden one in ODIs.
Jamshed signalled more punishment for India in the over before the start of the batting Powerplay with a flicked six off Praveen over deep square leg. The Powerplay consumed both batsmen in the search of more runs, but Younis and Umar Akmal ensured that Pakistan came nowhere to enduring the kind of middle-order collapse they had had against Bangladesh.
Younis has been criticised for being slow in this format, but today he was at ease as the innings neared its close. Orthodox punches and lofts raced for boundaries through the off side and Pakistan were able to afford a lacklustre display from Shahid Afridi.
The last time India's batsmen were handed a 300-plus target, they got it in 36.4 overs. With Pakistan playing another quick bowler, Wahab Riaz, in place of Sarfraz Ahmed, and Umar Gul and Saeed Ajmal waiting, a similar challenge confronts them this time.

Asia cup-2012 India to face Pakistan today

 India will take on Pakistan in their 5th one-day international of the Asia Cup at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium on Sunday.
Bangladesh Television (BTV) and satellite television channel Neo Cricket will telecast the match live at 2:00pm. Match scheduled to begin at 14:00 local time (08:00 GMT)
India squad: MS Dhoni*†, V Kohli, R Ashwin, AB Dinda, G Gambhir, RA Jadeja, P Kumar, IK Pathan, YK Pathan, SK Raina, R Sharma, RG Sharma, SR Tendulkar, MK Tiwary, R Vinay Kumar

Pakistan squad: Misbah-ul-Haq*, Abdur Rehman, Aizaz Cheema, Asad Shafiq, Azhar Ali, Hammad Azam, Mohammad Hafeez, Nasir Jamshed, Saeed Ajmal, Sarfraz Ahmed†, Shahid Afridi, Umar Akmal, Umar Gul, Wahab Riaz, Younis Khan

After 100 century's SACHIN passed a busy day

Sachin Tendulkar felt relief yesterday after achieving the long awaited 100th international hundred in India's 5-wicket loss to hosts Bangladesh in the Asia Cup on Friday.
"I have to admit I was relieved. This is now out of the way and I can start a new chapter. It was possibly the toughest phase of my life," said the man who now owns the most unprecedented milestone imaginable in this sport. "There was so much hype and attention about the 100th hundred. I thought I possibly batted the best in my life; got close in a couple of games but I couldn't achieve that. There are no specific reasons for that. At times I was luckless. Sometimes you need to have luck on your side to cross the final hurdle."
When asked to pick the toughest bowler he has faced, Tendulkar had a tough time naming one particular great bowler. "It is tough, I can name at least 25 different bowlers. How do you differentiate between Anil Kumble, Shane Warne, Muttiah Muralidaran, Glenn McGrath, Malcolm Marshall and Curtly Ambrose?"
To pick his favourite innings, Tendulkar went back to 1992 when his first hundred against Australia took the world by storm. "It would be Perth I would say. Something that means a lot to me is the hundred at Chennai (against England) in 2008. That was really really important to me because of what had happened before that. Yes, the first 100 (at Manchester). Chennai (against Pakistan in 1999) and Sydney when I scored 241 [in 2004]," he said.

Aaia cup-2012 India India, Pakistan face-off for final

India will face Pakistan Sunday afternoon in their last group match in the Asia Cup at Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium in Dhaka.
It is a must-win match for India. meanwhile, Pakistan is in a better position with two wins -- one over hosts Bangladesh and the other the Sri Lankans.
Sachin Tendulkar’s hundredth century was snuffed out by Bangladesh on Friday, who chased down a 290-run target to inflict a five-wicket defeat on the visitors.
India (Probable): MS Dhoni (Captain), V Kohli, R Ashwin, AB Dinda, G Gambhir, RA Jadeja, P Kumar, IK Pathan, YK Pathan, SK Raina, R Sharma, RG Sharma, SR Tendulkar, MK Tiwary and R Vinay Kumar.
Pakistan (Probable): Misbah-ul-Haq (Captain), Abdur Rehman, Aizaz Cheema, Asad Shafiq, Azhar Ali, Hammad Azam, Mohammad Hafeez, Nasir Jamshed, Saeed Ajmal, Sarfraz Ahmed, Shahid Afridi, Umar Akmal, Umar Gul, Wahab Riaz and Younis Khan.
Matches 120
Pakistan won 69
India won 47
No result 4

100 centurian Sachin Tendulkar

The anticipation, hype and expectation surrounding Sachin Tendulkar’s quest for unprecedented 100th international ton was finally over when the legendary batsman finally reached the unique landmark with a century against Bangladesh in a Asia Cup match at Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium. It took ‘Master Blaster’ 462 ODIs, 188 Tests and 22 years grueling journey in international cricket to reach the milestone. Tendulkar who would turn to 39 in the next month made his debut at the tender age of 16 in 1989.
Tendulkar, who established his greatness since his debut against Pakistan had to wait more than one year and 33 innings including Test and ODI to get his 100th international ton after hitting his 99th ton in 2011 during a World Cup group match against South Africa.
Since then, Tendulkar’s much-awaited milestone has become the centre of attention. The three Test series’ he has played have always had talks about the impending ton with the opposition adding to the pressure with mind games. It could have been fitting achievement had he got his ton against archrivals Pakistan in World Cup semi-final. He missed it despite being dropped four times and even the achievement again eluded him in World Cup final.
The expectation got higher as India played the Test against England at Lord’s which was cricket’s elite version’s 2000th match. He missed again while the frustration arose.
Nevertheless, he has come close on a few occasions which have brought the cricket world to a standstill in readiness. In Australia he showed the glimpse of his strokeplay but the century eluded him.
Rumours were rife that he was included in Asia Cup squad only to give him another opportunity to hit the milestone. He missed it against Sri Lanka, largely due to his shaky approach but on Friday in front of packed holyday crowd in Mirpur, he did not let the chance go away. He had never hit century against Bangladesh in ODI but along with the monumental achievement, he struck the elusive ton against Bangladesh as well to complete the circle of hitting ODI century against each and every Test nation.
He started with a perfectly-timed cover-drive that indicated a flawless innings is inevitable. Before reaching 80’s he was fluent likewise his old days. Though during the moment between 80 and 100, he was bit nervy, finally reached the cherished destination with a single off Shakib delivery.
The celebration nonetheless was subdued. He took off the helmet, looked at his bat and then heavenwards, probably recalled his late father whom he considered as his biggest inspiration.
Tendulkar, already a legend of the modern era and one of the greats of all time, made 114 off 147 balls with 12 fours and a six, before he was caught behind off seamer Mashrafe Mortaza in the 47th over.
“It has not sunk in yet,” he told the Neo Cricket channel, who are broadcasting the Asia Cup matches.
“I was not thinking about the milestone. The media started all this. In the restaurant, room service, everyone was talking about the 100th hundred,” added the batting maestro who has scored 49 one-day hundreds and 51 centuries in Test matches.
“Doesn’t matter how many hundreds you’ve scored, you still have to put your head down and score for the team. Dreams do come true. I had to wait for one for 22 years (the World Cup),” said Tendulkar who scored 15,470 Test runs and 18, 374 ODI runs.

Little master Tendulkars factfile

 Factfile on India’s Sachin Tendulkar who on Friday became the first batsman to score 100 international centuries:

Full name: Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar
Right-hand batsman, right-arm spinner
Nickname: Tendlya, Little Master
Date of birth: April 24, 1973 (Age: 38 years)
Born:   Mumbai, Maharashtra
Major teams: India, Mumbai, Yorkshire, Asia XI
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches (165.1 centimetres)
Test debut: v Pakistan, Karachi, November 15, 1989
One-day debut: v Pakistan, Gujranwala, December 18, 1989
Twenty20 debut: v South Africa, Johannesburg, December 1, 2006
Matches 188, Runs 15,470, Highest 248 not out, Average 55.44, Centuries 51, Half-centuries 65
Matches 462, Runs 18,374, Highest 200 not out, Average 44.92, Centuries 49, Half-centuries 95
Match 1, Runs 10, Average 10.00
World records:
- Most Test runs and centuries
- Most one-day runs and centuries
- Most World Cup runs (2,278)
- Most appearances in Tests and one-day internationals
- 1,000 or more Test runs in a calendar year six times: 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2008, 2010
- 1,000 or more one-day runs in a calendar year seven times: 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2003 and 2007     

 Recent matches
Bat & Bowl Team Opposition Ground Match Date Scorecard
114 India v Bangladesh Dhaka 16 Mar 2012 ODI # 3261
6 India v Sri Lanka Dhaka 13 Mar 2012 ODI # 3259
39 India v Sri Lanka Hobart 28 Feb 2012 ODI # 3251
14 India v Australia Sydney 26 Feb 2012 ODI # 3250
22 India v Sri Lanka Brisbane 21 Feb 2012 ODI # 3246
3 India v Australia Brisbane 19 Feb 2012 ODI # 3244
15 India v Sri Lanka Adelaide 14 Feb 2012 ODI # 3239
48 India v Sri Lanka Perth 8 Feb 2012 ODI # 3233
2 India v Australia Melbourne 5 Feb 2012 ODI # 3231
25, 13 India v Australia Adelaide 24 Jan 2012 Test # 2031  

            Sachin Tendulkar Cricket Statistics

Batting Records Tests ODI’s T20’s
Matches 188 462 1
Innings 290 442 1
Runs Scored 14692 18111 10
Batting Averages 56.94 45.16 10.00
Strike Rates 86.32 83.33
100s 51 49 0
50s 65 95 0
6s 67 194 0
Highest Score 248* 200* 10
Bowling Records
Balls Overs Bowled 4096 8044 15
Wickets 45 154 1
Bowling Average 53.06 44.40 12.00
Economy Rate 3.49 5.10 4.80
Best Bowling 3/10 5/32 1/12
Catches 106 136 1